Running Multiple Django Projects on a Single Server

Running Multiple Django Projects on a Single Server

So, you've got a few Django projects bubbling with potential, and you're looking to consolidate them onto a single, powerful server. Great idea! It's efficient, cost-effective, and keeps your digital footprint tidy. But how do you juggle multiple Django projects without them stepping on each other's toes? This post will guide you through the process, covering key considerations and best practices.

(Q: I have a 8 CPU, 8GB RAM VPS server. How many separate Gunicorn instances with each one having 3 workers can I run?)

(A: A good starting point is around 5 Gunicorn instances, each with 3 workers. Gunicorn recommends (2 x $num_cores) + 1 workers. With 8 cores, that's 17 workers. However, since you have 3 workers per instance, you divide 17 by 3, which comes out to roughly 5.6. Given your limited RAM, starting with 5 instances is a safer bet. Always monitor your server's resource usage …

PWAs: Bridging the Gap Between Web and Native Apps - Google and Apple's Perspectives

PWAs: Bridging the Gap Between Web and Native Apps - Google and Apple's Perspectives

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have emerged as a powerful solution for developers looking to create engaging, cross-platform experiences. They offer the best of both worlds, combining the reach of the web with the functionality of native apps. But how do the tech giants, Google and Apple, approach this technology? Let's dive into their respective stances on PWAs.

What are PWAs?

Before we delve into Google and Apple's approaches, let's briefly define what PWAs are. PWAs are web applications built using modern web technologies that deliver an app-like experience to users. They are:

  • Reliable: Load instantly and reliably, even in uncertain network conditions.
  • Fast: Respond quickly to user interactions with smooth animations and no janky scrolling.
  • Engaging: Feel like a natural app on the device, with immersive user experiences.

Key features of PWAs include offline functionality, push notifications, and the ability to be added to the home screen, making them easily …

Are there OTP for messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram for authentication purposes?

Are there OTP for messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram for authentication purposes?

Yes, messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram can be used for OTP (One-Time Password) authentication, though their implementation and capabilities differ significantly. Below is a detailed breakdown:

1. WhatsApp OTP for Authentication

WhatsApp is widely adopted for OTP delivery due to its end-to-end encryption, global reach, and user-friendly interface. Here’s how it works:

  • Security: WhatsApp OTPs are encrypted, making them more secure than traditional SMS or email OTPs, which are vulnerable to phishing or interception .
  • Delivery: Businesses use the WhatsApp Business API to send OTPs via pre-approved message templates. Users receive the code directly in their WhatsApp app, often with auto-fill functionality .
  • Use Cases:
    • Account registration and login verification .
    • Password resets and transaction confirmations .
    • Appointment confirmations and secure document access .
  • Advantages:
    • Higher engagement and read rates compared to SMS .
    • Cost-effective for businesses, especially in regions with high SMS costs …
To stream your MP4 video file to Owncast using FFmpeg

To stream your MP4 video file to Owncast using FFmpeg

To stream your MP4 video file to Owncast using FFmpeg, follow these steps:

1. Locate Your Owncast RTMP Credentials

  • In your Owncast admin dashboard (http://your-server:8080/admin), go to ConfigurationStream Keys.
  • Copy the Stream URL (e.g., rtmp://your-server/live) and Stream Key (e.g., abc123-secret-key).

2. Basic FFmpeg Command

fffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i video.mp4 \
       -map 0:v -map 0:a \
       -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -b:v 2500k -maxrate 2500k -bufsize 5000k -g 60 -pix_fmt yuv420p \
       -c:a aac -b:a 128k -ar 44100 \
       -f flv 'rtmp://localhost:1935/live/key'

Explanation of Flags:

  • -re: Read input at native frame rate (avoids streaming too fast).
  • -stream_loop -1: Loop the video infinitely (remove this to stream once).
  • -c:v libx264: Use H.264 video codec.
  • -preset veryfast: Balances speed and compression efficiency.
  • -b:v 2500k: Video bitrate (adjust based on …
How can I search YouTube from Python

How can I search YouTube from Python

You can search YouTube from Python and obtain video URL, title, and description using the google-api-python-client library. Here's a breakdown of how to do it, along with explanations and best practices:

import os
import googleapiclient.discovery
import googleapiclient.errors

# Replace with your actual API key.  See instructions below on how to obtain one.
API_KEY = os.environ.get("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")  # Best practice: store API key in environment variable

def youtube_search(query, max_results=10):
    Searches YouTube for videos based on a query.

        query: The search term.
        max_results: The maximum number of results to return.

        A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the video URL, title, and description.
        Returns an empty list if there's an error or no results are found.
        Prints error messages to the console if there's a problem.

        youtube =
A Bash Script for Automating Deploying Django on Ubuntu Using PostgreSQL, Gunicorn, Nginx

A Bash Script for Automating Deploying Django on Ubuntu Using PostgreSQL, Gunicorn, Nginx

Here's a bash script that automates the deployment process based on your guide. This script will handle user input, install dependencies, configure services, and set up your Django project with PostgreSQL, Gunicorn, and Nginx:


# Ensure script is run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root. Use sudo." 1>&2
    exit 1

# User Input
read -p "Enter project name (e.g., myproject): " PROJECT_NAME
read -p "Enter GitHub repository URL: " GITHUB_URL
read -p "Enter your domain name (e.g., " DOMAIN
read -p "Enter server IP address: " SERVER_IP
read -p "Enter PostgreSQL database name: " DB_NAME
read -p "Enter PostgreSQL username: " DB_USER
read -sp "Enter PostgreSQL password: " DB_PASS
read -sp "Enter Django secret key (leave empty to generate): " SECRET_KEY
if [ -z "$SECRET_KEY" ]; then
The Best Free and Open-Source Self-Hosted Media Hosting Platforms

The Best Free and Open-Source Self-Hosted Media Hosting Platforms

In an era where data privacy and control are paramount, self-hosted media platforms empower users to manage their content without relying on third-party services. Whether you’re a developer, a small business, or a content creator, hosting your own media ensures full ownership, customization, and scalability. This guide explores the top free, open-source solutions to transform your server into a powerful media hub for videos, images, audio, and live streams.

Why Choose Self-Hosted Media Hosting?

  1. Privacy & Control: Keep sensitive content off public platforms.
  2. Cost Savings: Avoid subscription fees and paywall restrictions.
  3. Customization: Tailor the platform to your brand or workflow.
  4. Unlimited Storage: Scale based on your server’s capacity.

Top Free & Open-Source Media Hosting Platforms

1. MediaCMS: The All-in-One Media Powerhouse

Overview: Built with Django and React, MediaCMS is a modern, feature-rich platform for hosting videos, audio, images, and documents. Think of it as …

How to Install Owncast on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install Owncast on Ubuntu 24.04

Below is a step‐by‐step guide to install Owncast on Ubuntu 24.04. You can choose either the manual installation method (using the official installer script) or the Snap package method. Both methods are effective; pick the one that best suits your needs.


  1. Update Your System:
    Open a terminal and run:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Install Required Tools:
    Ensure you have curl installed:

    sudo apt install curl -y
  3. Optional – Firewall Setup:
    If you use UFW, you’ll need to allow ports:

    sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp   # For the web interface
    sudo ufw allow 1935/tcp   # For RTMP streaming

Method 1: Manual Installation Using the Official Installer

  1. Download and Run the Installer Script:
    This script downloads the latest Owncast release (including FFmpeg if needed) and sets up a new owncast directory.

    curl -s | bash

    This command will:

    • Create an owncast folder.
    • Download the …
Mastering Image Manipulation Commands in Linux

Mastering Image Manipulation Commands in Linux

Manipulating images is a crucial skill, especially for those who work extensively with graphics, web design, or digital art. While there are numerous tools and software available for image manipulation, Linux users often find the command line to be a powerful and efficient way to handle these tasks. Let's dive into some essential image manipulation commands in Linux.

1. ImageMagick

ImageMagick is one of the most popular and versatile command-line tools for image manipulation. It supports a wide range of image formats and offers various commands for different tasks.


sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Basic Commands

  • Convert: Convert images between different formats.
convert input.jpg output.png
  • Resize: Resize an image.
convert input.jpg -resize 800x600 output.jpg
  • Crop: Crop an image to specified dimensions.
convert input.jpg -crop 800x600+0+0 output.jpg
  • Rotate: Rotate an image by a specified angle.
convert input …
No-Code Platforms: A Déjà Vu from the Visual Basic 6 Era

No-Code Platforms: A Déjà Vu from the Visual Basic 6 Era

The rise of no-code development platforms feels like history repeating itself. Everywhere I look, I see tools promising to democratize software creation with drag-and-drop interfaces, instant previews, and claims of “building apps without writing a single line of code.” While these platforms empower non-developers to prototype ideas quickly, they also stir a familiar unease in me—one rooted in my own journey as a programmer in the late 1990s.

The Allure of Visual Basic 6: A False Sense of Mastery

When I first started learning to code, Visual Basic 6 (VB6) was my gateway. It felt like magic. I’d drag buttons, text boxes, and menus onto a blank form, wire them together with snippets of code, and—voilà—I had a working application. The immediacy of results was intoxicating. For a moment, I believed I’d unlocked the secrets of software development.

But that confidence was short-lived. While VB6 made it easy to build …