Optimizing XML sitemaps for subdomains is essential to ensure effective indexing and improve SEO performance. Here are the best practices for optimizing XML sitemaps specifically for subdomains:
Each subdomain should have its own dedicated XML sitemap. Search engines treat subdomains as separate entities, so combining URLs from different subdomains or the main domain in a single sitemap is not advisable. This separation allows for clearer indexing and better management of each subdomain's content.
Consider creating a sitemap index file that links to the individual sitemaps of each subdomain. This approach simplifies management by allowing you to submit one index file to search engines, which then references all individual sitemaps. The structure should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
Ensure that your XML sitemaps contain only URLs that return a 200 response code and are intended for indexing. Exclude any pages with duplicate content, redirects, or those that are not meant to be indexed.
Verify each subdomain in Google Search Console and submit the corresponding sitemap for each one. This helps search engines understand the structure of your site and facilitates better crawling and indexing.
Add the URLs of your sitemaps to the robots.txt file of each subdomain. This provides a straightforward way for search engine crawlers to discover your sitemaps without needing additional submissions.
Regularly check the performance of your sitemaps using tools like Google Search Console. Update your sitemaps whenever new content is added or existing content is modified to ensure search engines have the latest information.
By following these best practices, you can optimize XML sitemaps for your subdomains, enhancing their visibility and ensuring they are properly indexed by search engines.
- https://seo.co/subdomains/
- https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/82687/sitemaps-one-per-subdomain-or-one-for-the-base-domain
- https://jemsu.com/how-should-you-handle-xml-sitemap-if-your-website-has-multiple-domains-or-subdomains-for-seo-in-2024/
- https://www.inspiradigitalagency.com/xml-sitemap-seo/
- https://www.reliablesoft.net/how-to-optimize-your-xml-sitemap-for-maximum-seo/
- https://www.serpwizard.com/xml-sitemap-for-subdomains-and-how-to-add-it-in-google-search-console/
- https://dailyseoblog.com/sitemaps-for-subdomains/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10270715/do-i-need-sitemaps-for-each-subdomain-for-site