Here's a bash script that automates the deployment process based on your guide. This script will handle user input, install dependencies, configure services, and set up your Django project with PostgreSQL, Gunicorn, and Nginx:
#!/bin/bash # Ensure script is run as root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root. Use sudo." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # User Input read -p "Enter project name (e.g., myproject): " PROJECT_NAME read -p "Enter GitHub repository URL: " GITHUB_URL read -p "Enter your domain name (e.g., " DOMAIN read -p "Enter server IP address: " SERVER_IP read -p "Enter PostgreSQL database name: " DB_NAME read -p "Enter PostgreSQL username: " DB_USER read -sp "Enter PostgreSQL password: " DB_PASS echo read -sp "Enter Django secret key (leave empty to generate): " SECRET_KEY echo if [ -z "$SECRET_KEY" ]; then SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 48) echo "Generated Secret Key: $SECRET_KEY" fi read -p "Enter email for Let's Encrypt SSL: " EMAIL # Update System apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y # Install Dependencies apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev libpq-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib nginx curl git apt-get install -y certbot python3-certbot-nginx # Configure PostgreSQL sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE $DB_NAME;" sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER $DB_USER WITH PASSWORD '$DB_PASS';" sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER ROLE $DB_USER SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';" sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER ROLE $DB_USER SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';" sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER ROLE $DB_USER SET timezone TO 'UTC';" sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE $DB_NAME TO $DB_USER;" # Create Project Directory mkdir -p /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME chown -R $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME # Clone Repository sudo -u $SUDO_USER git clone $GITHUB_URL /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME # Create Virtual Environment python3 -m venv /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/venv source /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/venv/bin/activate pip install -r /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/requirements.txt pip install psycopg2-binary gunicorn # Configure Django Settings SETTINGS_FILE="/var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME/" # Database Configuration sed -i "s/'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'/'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql'/" $SETTINGS_FILE sed -i "s/'NAME': BASE_DIR \/ 'db.sqlite3'/'NAME': '$DB_NAME',\n 'USER': '$DB_USER',\n 'PASSWORD': '$DB_PASS',\n 'HOST': 'localhost',\n 'PORT': '5432'/" $SETTINGS_FILE # Security Settings sed -i "s/SECRET_KEY = .*/SECRET_KEY = '$SECRET_KEY'/" $SETTINGS_FILE sed -i "s/DEBUG = True/DEBUG = False/" $SETTINGS_FILE sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['$DOMAIN', '$SERVER_IP'\]/" $SETTINGS_FILE # Static Files echo "STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/')" >> $SETTINGS_FILE # Database Migrations sudo -u $SUDO_USER /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/venv/bin/python /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/ collectstatic --noinput sudo -u $SUDO_USER /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/venv/bin/python /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/ migrate # Gunicorn Service cat > /etc/systemd/system/$PROJECT_NAME.service <<EOF [Unit] Description=gunicorn daemon for $PROJECT_NAME [Service] User=$SUDO_USER Group=www-data WorkingDirectory=/var/www/$PROJECT_NAME ExecStart=/var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/venv/bin/gunicorn \\ --access-logfile - \\ --workers 3 \\ --bind unix:/var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME.sock \\ $PROJECT_NAME.wsgi:application [Install] EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start $PROJECT_NAME systemctl enable $PROJECT_NAME # Nginx Configuration cat > /etc/nginx/sites-available/$PROJECT_NAME <<EOF server { listen 80; server_name $DOMAIN $SERVER_IP; location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; } location /static/ { root /var/www/$PROJECT_NAME; } location / { include proxy_params; proxy_pass http://unix:/var/www/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME.sock; } } EOF ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/$PROJECT_NAME /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ nginx -t && systemctl restart nginx # SSL Certificate certbot --nginx -d $DOMAIN --non-interactive --agree-tos -m $EMAIL # Firewall ufw allow 'Nginx Full' ufw delete allow 'Nginx HTTP' # Final Restart systemctl restart $PROJECT_NAME systemctl restart nginx echo "Deployment complete! Visit https://$DOMAIN to verify."
To use this script:
- Save it as
- Make it executable:
chmod +x
- Run with sudo:
sudo ./
The script will:
- Install and configure all required dependencies
- Set up PostgreSQL database
- Clone your Django project from GitHub
- Configure the Django project settings
- Set up Gunicorn as a systemd service
- Configure Nginx as a reverse proxy
- Obtain and install SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt
- Configure firewall settings
Note: Make sure your Django project meets these requirements:
- Has a
file - Uses environment variables for sensitive information (or modify the script accordingly)
- Has proper WSGI configuration
- Has the project name matching the directory structure
Always test in a staging environment before using in production.