What are the latest advancements in Swift Numerics

What are the latest advancements in Swift Numerics

Swift Numerics is a package designed to enhance numerical computing capabilities in Swift. While there are no specific recent advancements detailed in the search results, here are some general updates and ongoing discussions related to Swift Numerics:

Current State of Swift Numerics

  • Modules and API: Swift Numerics provides a set of fine-grained modules for numerical computing, including support for complex numbers and other specialized mathematical operations. These modules are designed to be minimal in dependencies, relying only on the Swift and C standard libraries.

  • Development and Inclusion: Some APIs in Swift Numerics are under active development with the potential for future inclusion in the Swift Standard Library. This means that new features and improvements are being explored and refined.

Ongoing Discussions

  • BigInt Status: There are ongoing discussions about the status of BigInt in Swift Numerics, indicating interest in expanding integer support beyond the standard library.

  • Decimal Types: Design approaches for Decimal32, Decimal64, and Decimal128 are being discussed, which could enhance precision in numerical computations.

Future Directions

  • Integration with Swift: As Swift continues to evolve, there is potential for Swift Numerics to become more integrated into the language, offering more comprehensive numerical computing capabilities.

  • Differentiable Programming: Although not directly related to Swift Numerics, Swift's potential for differentiable programming could lead to innovative applications in machine learning and optimization, which might influence future developments in numerical computing libraries.

Overall, while specific recent advancements in Swift Numerics are not detailed in the search results, the library continues to evolve with ongoing discussions and potential future integrations into the Swift ecosystem.


  1. https://www.xceltec.com/technology/new-features-in-swift-6-whats-changed-for-developers/
  2. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10170/
  3. https://swift.org/blog/
  4. https://github.com/apple/swift-numerics
  5. https://www.fast.ai/posts/2019-01-10-swift-numerics.html
  6. https://www.whatsnewinswift.com
  7. https://forums.swift.org/c/related-projects/swift-numerics/56
  8. https://wwdcnotes.com/documentation/wwdcnotes/wwdc20-10170-whats-new-in-swift/





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